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2023-2024 Materials

Summer Labs

Incoming Junior Materials
Incoming Senior Materials

INCOMING JUNIORS: Want to get ready for ACME this summer?
Learn about complex numbers here. If you need more help with complex numbers, feel free to look at other sources like this nice video:

Getting Started - Windows
Getting Started - Mac

* = Python Essentials
** = Data Science Essentials

Junior Labs

For BYU students, customized Volume 1 data files can be found here and Volume 2 data files can be found here.
For Prospective Adopters, Volume 1 and 2 data files can be found here.
***Labs are due at 9:00 am 1 week after they are assigned unless the next week is a slack week, then it is 2 weeks after. For example, UNIX Shell 1 is due on September 6th, but Linear Transformations is due October 11th.

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Senior Materials
For BYU Students, customized Volume 3 data files can be found here and Volume 4 data files can be found here.

Fall Semester

Winter Semester