It stands for Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis, but it means “the best, the peak, the summit, or the point of perfection.”
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2. Why major in ACME?
It provides you with both mathematical and computational tools to solve problems in science, business, technology, industry, medicine, economics, and engineering. ACME graduates have a lot of flexibility in job opportunities and graduate study, and a strong social support network, thanks to the ACME cohort system.
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3. What do you learn in ACME?
ACME teaches students powerful new ways to think about a wide variety of real-world problems and applications of mathematics. Specific subjects include
Mathematical analysis, approximation, and modeling
Algorithm design and analysis
Scientific computing
Theory and practice of optimization
Probability and probabilistic modeling
Machine learning and data science
Dynamical systems and optimal control
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4. How is ACME different from other math majors?
ACME teaches you to communicate across disciplines. Many subjects give different names to the same mathematical ideas. We help you understand the ideas and develop the dictionary to translate what you know into the language that scientists, data analysts, economists, and others can understand.
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5. How prestigious is a degree from ACME?
Successful completion of the program indicates the graduate has a strong work ethic and powerful problem-solving skills. Many employers are eager to recruit ACME graduates because they recognize ACME as a demanding program that teaches many useful skills. ACME graduates have also gone on to top graduate programs in a wide variety of disciplines. The American Mathematical Society identified BYU's ACME program as the "Exemplary Program of 2024".
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6. How is the program structured?
The heart of the ACME program is the junior and senior core. In the last two years of their program, students take the core classes (8 credits each semester) together with a fixed cohort of fellow students. This cohort allows them to develop friendships, research collaborations, and social support that will help them throughout the program and long after graduation. The fixed cohort also makes learning more effective, because things you learn in one class get used and reinforced in other classes.
Each student also chooses a concentration in a subject where they can apply the mathematics they are learning in ACME. This helps students learn to comunicate across disciplines and use powerful mathematical and computational ideas to solve problems in new and exciting ways. A list of current concentrations is posted here, and custom-designed concentrations are also possible.
Normally students spend their first two years at the university finishing prerequisites and general education requirements as well as choosing and working on their concentration classes. Once the prerequisites are done they can start the junior core. New cohorts of the junior core begin each fall semester.
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7. What if I plan on going to graduate school?
ACME is great preparation for graduate school in many subjects. Graduates of the ACME program have been very successful in getting admitted into excellent graduate schools in a variety of subjects with generous fellowships and financial aid.
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8. I'm sold! What do I do now?
Take the prerequisites.
Go to the College Advisement Center and declare the ACME Emphasis in the Math Major
Sign up for the junior core, which consists of the following four classes. These classes are interlinked in an important way and must therefore all be taken simultaneously. They are offered every Fall semester:
Mathematical Analysis, & Computer Lab: Math 340/341
Algorithms: Design and Optimization, & Computer Lab: Math 320/321
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9. What are the prerequisites?
Calculus: Math 112, 113, & 314 Proofs & Logic: Math 290 Linear Algebra: Math 213 and Math 215 Analysis: Math 341 Introduction to Programming: CS 111 (or equivalent) Differential Equations: Math 334 (Note that 334 is not a prerequisite to the Junior core, so it may be taken during the junior year.)
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10. When do I complete an internship?
Students usually complete an internship (or a research position) in the spring and summer between their junior and senior years.
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11. Do I have to take Spring and Summer classes?
No. We recommend you spend the spring and summer working on an internship or research.
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12. Is it important to have computer programming experience?
You should have basic foundation of computer programming including the course CS 111 (or equivalent background in computing, like completion of the computing labs in the EMC2 program). Beyond that, it is useful to learn some Python. One way to get started in Python is to try the ACME Python Essentials labs, posted at For those who already have some programming skills, we recommend trying some of the problems at
If you have extra time before the program starts and want to further solidify your coding skills, we recommend taking CS 235. It is not required for ACME majors, but it has proven helpful to many in the program.
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13. What programming language do you use in ACME?
The Python programming language.
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14. Do I need to buy a computer for ACME? What kind?
Many students appreciate having a personal computer for the convenience of coding and working on projects from home, however, ACME has over 70 desktop machines that you will have access to while you are in the program, so it is not strictly necessary to have a personal computer as long as you are able to come to campus. You will also have access to these machines if you have memory- or time-intensive programs that you need to run.
If you already have a computer that is working well, and meeting your needs, chances are it will work well for ACME. Our computing lab assignments are Python-based, so there are a large number of options for you to complete the labs, regardless of your operating system.
If you would like to buy or rent a computer, we recommend that you use an operating system with which you are comfortable and get a computer with enough memory and processing speed to meet your needs for the remainder of your studies. A few operating systems that are commonly used by ACME students include Mac OS, Ubuntu (Linux), and Windows. An important feature to look for is the ability to access a unix/linux kernel (this is easy on Linux and Macs, and also possible on Windows). We don’t have any specific recommendations about how much memory or processing speed to get.
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15. Do I need to take Math 334 before beginning the junior core?
While Math 334 is not an enforced prerequisite for the junior core, we do highly recommend that it be taken before beginning your first semester as a junior. Many students have expressed that the concepts covered in 334 are extremely useful in helping the transition to the junior core go smoothly. Due to the academic rigor of the other junior year classes, having 334 completed will prepare you to focus on and be more successful in your other ACME classes.
Note: If you elect not to take 334 before beginning the junior core, it should be taken concurrently with the other classes your junior year.