FAQ - Employers Skip to main content

FAQ - Employers

Interested in recruiting ACME students but don't know where to start? Here are our most Frequently Asked Questions that can help you on your recruiting journey!

  • If you're interested in posting a job opening to attract talented BYU students, you have several options:

    1. Private Posting on ACME Discord Channel: Allie Sensinger can post your job opening privately on our ACME Discord channel.
    2. LinkedIn Page: We can also share your job opening on our LinkedIn page
    3. Handshake: You can also post your jobs on BYU's recruiting platform, Handshake. If you are interested in posting on Handshake, please click here to learn more about it.

    For more information on how to post job openings, please contact Allie Sensinger at allies@mathematics.byu.edu.

  • If you're looking to recruit BYU ACME alumni, we can assist you in the following ways:

    1. Math BYU LinkedIn Account: Allie Sensinger can post job openings on our Math BYU LinkedIn account to reach out to alumni.
    2. BYU ACME LinkedIn Account: You can also use our BYU ACME LinkedIn account for alumni recruitment. 
  • To stay updated on upcoming career fairs and other recruiting events at BYU, here's what you need to know:

    1. Hosted by Careers & Experiential Learning: We host career fairs open to all students, in addition to the schools/colleges that sponsor fairs specific to their student population. Please click here to view any upcoming career fairs.
    2. Events Calendar: You can find dates for upcoming career fairs and campus recruiting events on our events calendar page.
    3. Contact Information: For more details, feel free to reach out to Lane Muranaka at (801) 422-9360 or email him at lane_maranaka@byu.edu.
  • If you're interested in establishing a deeper relationship with ACME beyond recruiting, we're here to help:

    1. Contacts: Allie Sensinger, and Dr. Tyler Jarvis are interested in building a relationship with you and your company.
    2. Information: You can reach out to them at any time to learn more about the ACME program, internship opportunities, career prospects, and ways to get involved.
    3. We are always looking for ways to connect with your company. We have opportunities for you and your company to present to our students, mentor our students, attend career fairs, and use Handshake.
  • If you are interested in recruiting at BYU, the best place to start is through Careers and Experiential Learning.

    The Careers and Experiential Learning department offers a variety of recruiting opportunites through Handshake - BYU's recruiting platform. Here are a few ways your company can start recruiting at BYU through Careers and Experiential Learning:

    1. Reserve a booth at an upcoming career fair
    2. Post a job or internship on Handshake
    3. Host an information session
    4. Host an on-campus interview