Why Hire ACME Students Skip to main content

Why Hire ACME Students

Why hire ACME students?

The Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis (ACME) seeks to prepare students for the real world. We offer a modernized curriculum that cuts through the jargon of multiple disciplines and develops a foundational core in mathematics, statistics, and computation. Our program incorporates various team-building experiences and industrial cooperation which prepare them for internships and employment.

ACME also provides horizontal integration across multiple quantitative disciplines. This gives students a broad exposure to interdisciplinary fields while allowing students to have an individual primary area of specialization.

What is ACME?

ACME is an interdisciplinary degree program offered by the Mathematics Department at Brigham Young University. ACME is a program designed to create high-impact, multi-disciplinary mathematicians. it includes a common mathematics core with interdisciplinary opportunities that are ideal for students with mathematical skills and diverse interests.

How can I start the recruiting process?

If you are interested in recruiting ACME students, please contact Allie Sensinger at allies@mathematics.byu.edu for more information on recruiting.