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Entrepreneurship Sandbox

Course Requirements
Major Academic Plan
Career Paths

Complete the Sandbox program.

Note: If you want to do this concentration, you should apply to sandbox by the beginning of your Junior year so that you have time to do a different concentration if you are not accepted into sandbox. For more information, see the BYU sandbox webpage.

The Sandbox program is a full-year cohort program for seniors that is too intense to take at the same time as the ACME senior core, so students who do SandBox will enroll AFTER finishing the ACME senior core. To make that work, you need to plan ahead.

If you are doing SandBox and ACME, you won’t need to take other ACME concentration courses, but since you must apply for SandBox, you’ll need to know in advance that you can get in—otherwise, you’ll want to start taking courses for a different concentration. Therefore, you may apply to SandBox at the beginning of the ACME junior core (or later). If you are admitted, you can defer until you have finished the senior core, and then you’ll know in advance that you can do SandBox instead of a different concentration.

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