Mechanical Engineering Skip to main content

Mechanical Engineering

Course Requirements
Major Academic Plan
Career Paths

There are two different concentrations of mechanical engineering:
Dynamic Systems
Fluids and Thermodynamics

Dynamic Systems
Complete the following courses:

ME EN 101: Static Systems in Mechanical Engineering (3:3:0)
CE EN 204: Engineering Mechanic–Dynamics (3:3:0)
ME EN 335: Dynamic System Modeling and Analysis (3:3:1)
ME EN 431: (Me EN-EC EN 483) Design of Control Systems (4:3:3)

**Note: Some concentration courses have a prerequisite of ME 275. ACME students have permission to skip this prerequisite provided they have already taken Math 334 or Math 303.
To skip a prerequisite, use an add code provided by the Mech En department's undergraduate advisor: Marianne Cutchins ( 801-422-2624.

Fluid and Thermodynamics
Complete the following courses:
PHSCS 123: Introduction to Waves, Optics, and Thermodynamics (3:3:1)
ME EN 312: Fluid Mechanics (3:3:1)
ME EN 321: Thermodynamics (3:3:0)
ME EN 340: Heat Transfer (3:3:1)

**Note: Some concentration courses have some prerequisites that can be skipped by ACME students ME 275. ACME students have permission to skip this prerequisite provided they have already taken Math 334 or Math 303. Chem 105: ACME students have permission to skip this prerequisite. To skip a prerequisite, use an add code provided by the Mech En department's undergraduate advisor: Marianne Cutchins ( 801-422-2624.

Coming soon!

After graduation, students have gone into the both the workforce and graduate programs. These are some of the fields that graduates from this concentration have gone into:

Software Engineering