Mathematical Theory Skip to main content

Mathematical Theory

Course Requirements
Major Academic Plan
Career Paths

Complete four of the following courses:

MATH 371: Abstract Algebra 1 (3:3:0)
MATH 372: Abstract Algebra 2 (3:3:0)
MATH 425: Mathematical Biology (3:3:0)
MATH 450: Combinatorics (3:3:0)
MATH 451: Introduction to Topology (3:3:0)
MATH 465: Differential Geometry (3:3:0)
MATH 473: Group Representation Theory (3:3:0)
MATH 485: Mathematical Cryptography (3:3:0)
MATH 487: Number Theory (3:3:0)
Any graduate level math course 509-599 counts.

Coming soon!

After graduation, students have gone into the both the workforce and graduate programs. The following table shows some of the career paths our graduates from this concentration have followed:

Job Title

Master's Degree Subject

Data Analyst

Applied Math
