This fall we are hosting our first Data Science and Actuarial Career Fair. It will be held in the Hinckley Center on campus on September 26th. The fair will be from 9-12 pm followed by a free lunch 12:00-1:30 for the students and employers to connect more casually.
Registration is done through Handshake. The link directly to the fair is here
As this is our first year and we want as many to come as can, it is completely free.
Employer Information
Registration is done through Handshake. The link directly to the fair is here
As this is our first year and we want as many to come as can, it is completely free. If you would like to help sponsor the lunch, please contact Allie (allie_sensinger@byu.edu
We have rooms available the day of and the day after the fair that are available to schedule on Handshake. Instructions are here
Info sessions and other events
We imagine that the career fair will replace most/all of the info sessions we had last year. If you would like to host an additional event please follow the instructions here
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are super excited about this event and look forward to seeing you in the fall!